PADSWAP is the first community-based marketplace that lets members of a DAO swap homes.

At its most basic, it is a way for people to swap homes efficiently, safely and enjoyably.

We are building the platform to facilitate finding partners to swap with, setting expectations for the swap and with a clear flow to a smart contract where both parties can stake collateral. We are planning to launch this within DAOs, allowing disputes over recompense from the collateral to be resolved by a community vote. This allows the disbursement of collateral to remain almost entirely on chain and disincentivizes bad actors by making disputes into town square issues.

With more people switching to remote work, this platform will enable people to be more geographically flexible for extended periods of time without breaking the bank. It will add value for members of social DAOs and foster a stronger sense of community as members are able to plug into existing networks that would otherwise be too physically distant. In the longterm we would expect to build cross DAO bridges that would allow for swaps across DAOs and create more interconnected networks.

Padswap will become the gateway between online and in person communities. Allowing culture and community that comes together online to be distributed across the globe, but never feel out of reach. It will foster deeper connections and trust between the members of communities by making their homes into a global network of shared spaces.

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